BJJ For The Street By Burton Richardson
Learning Self Defense is not only an essential skill, but it can be a lot of fun to learn! Many martial arts have added valuable techniques to the lexicon of self defense, but one in particular has stood out in the last couple of decades. That martial art is Brazilian Jiu-JItsu.
BJJ rose to prominence in the early 90’s, thanks to the UFC and the Gracie Family. In 1993 the martial arts world was put on notice when a 6’1, 170lb guy named Royce Gracie defeated 3 men in one night who had a significant size advantage. Royce went on to win two more tournaments where he faced off with combatants from other martial arts in a limited rule/no time limit format.
Burton Richardson is a 3rd degree black belt in Jiu-Jitsu and has over two decades of experience on the mat. On top of his BJJ training Burton is well versed in multiple other martial arts including Jeet Kune Do and Krav Maga! His vast experience makes him one of the most sought after instructors in the realm of self defense in the world.
Burton recently released BJJ For The Street where he has compiled the essential BJJ skills that will keep you safe in an intense physical altercation. In this 4-part series Burton teaches you not only how to survive terrible situations, but how to THRIVE!
Check out his overview of the ten elements of self defense from the instructional below!
Very few martial artists on the planet have the experience and qualifications that Burton has. He isn’t one to rest on his accomplishments either. Richardson was recently spotted training with one of BJJ’s brightest stars Craig Jones! This open minded approach allows him to absorb the most effective techniques that are being used in the competitive sport scene of BJJ, which he adapts for real life scenarios!
Burton has a unique approach to teaching complex techniques that make them easy to follow and understand. For instance take a look at another demonstration where Burton demonstrates how to finish an attacker from back control. Oftentimes this is a hard to understand position due to its complex nature, but Burton finds a way to position himself with his partner to show the inner workings of this classic BJJ position.
Its important to understand that this is a finishing position. No fight or altercation is going to start in this type of situation. However, with BJJ For The Street Burton teaches you tried and true methods to close the distance, take the fight to the ground, and secure a finish. If you can find yourself in a dominant position in an altercation you can limit the amount of danger you expose yourself to. From a dominant position you have a better ability to control the amount of punishment to unleash on your foe.
Keep in mind that self defense situations require sound judgment. IF you have the ability to keep yourself safe, without pounding your adversary into oblivion it stands to reason that you will have an easier time dealing with the logistics after the fact. Richardson is a master at uncovering fight ending details that don’t require you to rearrange your aggressors face!

BJJ For The Street is a 4 part instructional where Burton Richardson takes you on a tour through the journey of SELF DEFENSE! Cover the most common attacks, and the most effective counters with one of the most well rounded martial artists on the planet! Check out BJJ For The Street today!